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I have a wonderful wife who I love with all my heart & our 2 babies have to watch her in pain everyday & I'm trying so hard to get the help she needs, but people write so many things but, really don't think about how much others hurt. I want to help my wife get better & get these surgeries done. It's really not that much for the both of the surgeries but, it's more than we can afford. Her surgeons have worked with her the best they can with the amounts of the surgeries & they... knee length wedding dresses with sleeves

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Click here to support PleaseHelpHerHaveAnotherChance&Heal organized by Luaine Jesusandfamily Kosiewska My name Is Gary. First of all I would like to say, please forgive me but, I am not the greatest writer & sometimes have trouble explaining things very well. I am coming to everyone to ask for Help for my fiance. She has many different health problems, which are pretty severe. She has suffered